Happy 2010 everyone!
My last adventure of KOTOR2 is nearly coming to an end, but I have some serious problems to complete it.
Let's begin with the bad news. My Mac (which I use for editing the videos) has died in December last year. I've managed to rescue some episodes (Episode 142 & 143), but all other recordings are gone.
The good news is, my walkthrough is made on the XBox, so it doesn't mean that I can't continue making the episodes. I know some people had to abandon the walkthroughs when all data is lost with the PC... so in my case, my current hero, Ted'Dee is still well & alive in the immaculate XBox.
So here comes another bad news. I received a new XBox 360 Elite as the Christmas present.
Can you imagine, when I opened it, how my smile dropped?
Because it meant that my old XBox would have to be replaced with the bland new 360 Elite.
What an turmoil!
I kept up with smiling, thanked my dad (who is more keen to play on the 360 than I am), and witnessed my old XBox finally being replaced with the new 360.
Don't get me wrong - as soon as I played games on the 360, I loved it! It's just that... I need the original XBox to complete my walkthrough.
So here's the plan. I will secretly reconnect the old Xbox back on when my dad goes away on the business trip in mid January. That way, I won't offend him as an ungrateful daughter who prefers the old console over the state of art latest machine! My mom won't be able to tell the difference between the old and new XBox, so it should work.
I will have to temporarily halt the KOTOR2 walkthrough after Episode 143, but will try to record the rest of the episodes while my dad is away. All I have to record is Malachor V, so hopefully I can record all & finish the current KOTOR2 walkthrough in January 2010.